I really started noticing photography at a young age when I would look at Arizona Highways Magazine and think to myself, "I want to go there someday and see this with my own eyes".

My parents bought me and my sister a Kodak Colorburst instant camera and boy did I burn the film. I remember looking at the images and thinking this is not what I am seeing. As I got older they later bought me the Canon AE-1 and I had the joy of going on a river trip down the Colorado River. When I returned from the trip I couldn't wait to take the film in and have it processed. The images where great and I realized I could really get into this.

Then along came the digital age and I will be honest, I welcomed it with open arms. The thought of being able to shoot an image and see it immediately excited me. Why you ask, because if the shot does not look right I can redo it right there.

This past year I have really applied myself to taking more images and learning new things, from star trails to birds. My all time favorite images to shoot are sunsets and sunrises. I am always on the lookout for images that others typically don't shoot such as the horse statue that I submitted for the contest. My goal ever since I was a young boy was to one day have an image in Arizona Highways Magazine. I don't want to be famous, I just want to see one of my images in the magazine for others to enjoy.

My drive and motivation is to bring the beauty of our state to others. They may not be able to hike to that special place, so I feel I have captured a great image when others say "Wow!" and that is when I feel I have done our state justice.