I think this photo is all about mood and atmosphere. Taken during an ominous sunset during a November storm, just the right conditions were needed for this photo to come together. Most other days the sunset over Superstition Mountain would not have looked quite so spectacular. But on this day, dark clouds filled the sky to provide the dramatic backdrop, while a cloud-break on the western horizon allowed the sun to filter through the dusty atmosphere, creating the unreal warm glow captured in the photo.
Just minutes before this climatic moment, the sun was hidden and the mountain looked dull in the shadows, but I had a hunch that nature would come through with a stunning display, and did it ever! As I wandered the desert behind the Mining Camp Restaurant, I contemplated many ways to portray the scene, but this one with the two barrel cactus looking up at the sharp cliffs and distinct profile of the Flatiron above was the one I felt brought across my vision the best. The Sonoran Desert is a special place and we are blessed to have it in our beautiful state of Arizona.
I am grateful to have witnessed and captured such an awe-inspiring moment at one of my favorite places.